Finnish National Ballet 100 Years
Celebrate our centenary with us! You’ll find all our content about the landmark year on this page.
Time to celebrate!
This is our coming of age story. We were born 100 years ago, and ever since then we’ve been unstoppable.
We are fuelled by movement, its power and beauty. Its natural beauty, to be exact. We love to perform but not to pretend. Authenticity is our passion. In our family, everyone can be who they are – onstage and in the audience.
Though our dancers come from around the world and we work on international classics, our roots are right here, in this country and this city. It feels beautiful to be at home.
We’ll be celebrating our birthday throughout the year, and you’re invited to the party. Let’s make this a centenary to remember.

Watch ballet online at Stage24
”I can’t think of anywhere I could be happier than at the Finnish National Ballet. I can do work that I love in my home country with the best colleagues. It’s wonderful to have so many ballet lovers in Finland that our company can have thrived for a full century.”
– SARI IKONEN, dancer
Centenary merchandise makes superb souvenirs
Centenary stamps
Dig into our history
Twists and turns of the Finnish National Ballet

The Finnish Opera establishes a ballet company

Gé, Saxelin, Gé, Saxelin…

Tours for soldiers and sad news from the front

Summer tours and films bring ballet to the entire nation

International stars from the east and west

Ballet masters change, Sylvestersson remains

The Finnish National Ballet as an ambassador for Finland

From a private ballet academy to professional education

To the new Opera House with Laine and Uotinen

The international National Ballet

Arena tours and school visits

From dancers to choreographers

Ballet gains equal status under Nordic directors

The Youth Company offers career opportunities

Ballet on television and at the cinema