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Audition for the Finnish National Ballet

Auditions for season 2025–2026 

The Finnish National Ballet will be holding two international auditions to recruit dancers for its main and youth companies.

The first audition will be held in Helsinki on March 22nd and the second one in Amsterdam on March 30th both 2025.

Applicants are expected to have a strong classical ballet technique and a mastery of contemporary dance.

The closing time for the online application is February 17th at 12 p.m. (FINNISH TIME). No application by email will be accepted.

A preselection based on the video material sent by the applicants will be carried out. A message with the result of the preselection will be sent to each participant on Friday February 21st. Those selected to join their selected audition will receive detailed information on the exact location and time of the auditions in the same mail. 

The auditions will consist of two rounds. The first round will be a full ballet class. After the class, those chosen for the second round will be required to perform a classical variation and a short contemporary solo. The applicants can perform their variations to the right or to the left. No costumes nor make up are required to perform the variations.

The minimum age of applicants is 18 years by July 31st 2025.

When filling the form please be sure to select the correct date for the audition you would like to join. It is only possible to join one of the auditions.

Requirements for online application

Curriculum Vitae

Candidates must upload a minimum of two (2) colour photographs with a clear background. Selfies will not be accepted.

The video has to be recent, not older than 5 months. With no introduction or fancy editing. Dancers are expeted to wear dance wear that allows their lines to be clearly seen. 

Recordings from stage performances or rehearsals will not be accepted.
Dancers applying to performe female roles of the classical repetoire should execute all the center exercises on pointe.

All the exercises should be performed to both sides. Videos showing dancers performing only to one side will be considered incomplete and not taken into account.

Incorporating both sides
3-5 minutes of barre work

Incorporating both sides

A classical variation (own choice) and a contemporary solo (max 2mins). 
Videos must be provided as a link (Youtube, Vimeo etc., no password). Applications with videos that cannot be easily opened will not be taken into account.

Should the candidate fail to provide the required material in the necessary format, entry will not be accepted.