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The Finnish National Opera and Ballet (FNOB) is governed by the Foundation of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet. In adherence with regulations, the governing bodies of the foundation are the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, and the CEO with the title of General Director.

The Board of Directors, which is elected for a three-year term, is responsible for allocating funds, appointing directors, and setting the overall strategy and repertoire policy according to the Foundations Act. The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing good governance, approving the annual report and financial statements, and managing the public affairs of the FNOB.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet is responsible for allocating funds, appointing directors, and setting the overall strategy and repertoire policy. The Board of Directors has 9 members. The Ministry of Education and Culture appoints the Chair of the Board and 4 members for a three-year term. The municipalities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa appoint 4 members in total. In addition to this, there are 3 board members appointed by the FNOB personnel who have the right to attend and speak, but not to vote, at board meetings.

Board membership from the conclusion of the Annual Meeting on 6 April 2022 until the end of the Annual Meeting in April 2025.

Members appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (5)

Leena Niemistö, M.D. Chair of the Board

Riitta Björkenheim, Development Director

Sixten Korkman, D.Soc.Sc., Vice Chair of the Board

Antti Mykkänen, Adviser

Kerttu Tuomas, Professional board member

Member appointed by Espoo City (1)

Jaana Jalonen, Entrepreneur

Members appointed by Helsinki City (2)

Minna Lindgren, Author, Journalist

Tatu Rauhamäki, Director

Member appointed by Vantaa City (1)

Jukka Hako, M.A.

Other members:

Staff representatives (3, right to attend and address, no vote)

Pasi Eskelinen, Prompter

Tuomo Järvimäki, Specialist Structural Designer (from 6 Sept 2023)

Timo Pulakka, Orchestra Musician

Presenting official (no vote)

Gita Kadambi, General Director

Secretary to the Board (no vote)

Anita Prusila, General Counsel

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board manages the public affairs of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet, approves the annual report and financial statements, and ensures good governance. The Supervisory Board comprises 17 full members. The members and deputy members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the municipalities in the Greater Helsinki Area, and the Supervisory Board itself. The Supervisory Board also has three members appointed by the FNOB personnel, who have the right to attend and speak, but not to vote.

Members from the conclusion of the Annual Meeting on 6 April 2022 until the end of the Annual Meeting in April 2025.

Members appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (8)

Pasi Kivisaari, Principal, Chair of the Supervisory Board (deputy: Hanna Kosonen, MP)

Eeva-Johanna Eloranta, MP (deputy: Antton Rönnholm, M.Soc.Sc.)

Ritva Elomaa, MP (deputy: Tom Packalén, Chief Inspector)

Jaana Pelkonen, Entrepreneur (deputy: Anne-Mari Virolainen, M.Sc.(Econ), CEO)

Noora Koponen, Executive Director (deputy: Actor, Producer Pirkka-Pekka Petelius)

Mai Kivelä, MP (deputy: Minja Koskela, MP), from 22 Nov 2023

Mats Löfström, MP (deputy: Otto Andersson, MP, from 15 Sept 2023)

Antero Laukkanen, Pastor (deputy: Tiina Sinkkonen, opera singer, singing teacher)

Members appointed by Espoo City (2)

Inka Hopsu, MP (deputy: Anders Portin, Special Ministerial Adviser)

Markku Sistonen, Sports Services Manager (deputy: Kristiina Karvinen, CEO)

Members appointed by Helsinki City (2)

Jan Vapaavuori, LL.M., Vice Chair of the Supervisory Board (deputy: Pia Pakarinen, Deputy Mayor)

Hilkka Ahde, City Councillor (deputy: Dr Kimmo Sarje)

Member appointed by Kauniainen City (1)

Will serve on the board until the end of the current City Board term on 31 May 2023;

Tiina Rintamäki-Ovaska, Vice-Judge, district registrar (deputy: Sofia Stolt, D.A., M.Soc.Sc., University Lecturer)

Members appointed by Vantaa City (2)

Lauri Kaira, Director, Lawyer (deputy: Taruanne Lindevall)

Säde Tahvanainen, First Vice Chair of the City Council (deputy: Salla Lindblad-Palo, Deputy City Councillor)

Members appointed by the Supervisory Board (2)

Risto Murto, CEO (deputy: Maunu Lehtimäki, CEO)

Erkki Liikanen, Chair, M.Soc.Sc. (deputy: Rosa Meriläinen, Secretary General)

Members appointed by staff (3)

(right to attend and address, no vote)

Anu Varjonen, Customer Service Officer (deputy: Päivi Kulo, Orchestra Coordinator)

Mikko Toukola, Stage Technician (deputy: Kalle Rannikko, Stage Technician)

Juha Moisio, Opera Singer (deputy: Nikolas Koskivirta, 2nd Soloist Dancer), from 6 Sept 2023

Secretary to the Supervisory Board: Anita Prusila, General Counsel

Management Team

The FNOB receives government funding

The year 2023 was in many ways significant for the Finnish National Opera and Ballet. The highlight of the year was the domestic arena tour across five locations in May. During the summer break in performances, major renovations were undertaken in the Opera House, and the autumn’s repertoire was marked by the celebration of important anniversaries.

During 2023, the Finnish National Opera and Ballet engaged with 1.7 million audience members. This includes visitors to performances and events, participants in audience outreach activities, as well as viewers of Finnish National Opera and Ballet live streams and recordings, other audiovisual content and articles from the Stage24 service, and television and radio broadcasts. The occupancy rate for paid performances, in all venues, was 89% (the same as in 2022).

The Finnish National Opera and Ballet’s annual operating costs for core activities increased to EUR 76.9 million, a 6% year-on-year increase (72.8/2022). Net operating costs, taking into account central government rent subsidies, were EUR 64.8 million (60.6/2022). A total of 52% (57/2022) of operating costs were covered by central government grants, and the share of self-financing was 24% (17/2022).

The municipalities in the Greater Helsinki Area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen) provided additional grant funding totalling 7% of the budget, calculated on a pro rata basis using visitor numbers from each municipality. Central government funding covered 16% of the rent on the Opera House building, which is owned by Senate Properties, along with 1% of the total running costs of the Ballet School.

Personnel costs make up 80% of our total operating costs, as creating a performance requires plenty of hands-on work. The Finnish National Opera and Ballet has almost 300,000 visitors per year.

see also