”Pointework gives me a sense of freedom and power”
Ballet shoes are the single most important tool of the ballet dancer. Alice Pastel, student at the Ballet School, tells about her relationship with ballet shoes.
I started my dance studies at the Ballet School of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet in 2016, at the age of 7.
My greatest inspiration has been my big sister Erika. It’s been amazing to follow her progress to an incredible ballerina. It’s also really impressed me to see how dancers use their bodies to express different feelings.
I got my first pointe shoes two years ago, around the Christmas holidays. It was wonderful to experience being a real ballerina for the very first time.
Pointe shoes do hurt the feet, so whenever I’m in pain, I put my feet up or take ice baths. I also proactively care for my feet by taping my toes, and I use silicon pads in my ballet shoes. We currently practice pointework from three to four times a week.
Pointework gives me a sense of freedom and power.
My biggest wish is to become a successful professional dancer. I am glad I can participate in celebrating the centenary of the Finnish National Ballet.