Glims & Gloms – Tuomo Railo
The Bach project
acclaimed contemporary dance work in AlmI HALL
Tuomo Railo’s acclaimed contemporary dance work The Bach project will have its rerun in Almi Hall in autumn 2024. The Bach project originated from improvised dance videos made by Railo. Together with the dancers, Railo has deconstructed and reassembled the improvised dance so that the coincidental-like “freshly squeezed juice of dance” can be reproduced and duplicated for the eight dancers on the stage.
The piece features J. S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations interpreted by pianist Risto Lauriala. The dancers – Kasperi Kolehmainen, Taru Koski, Hanna Mönkäre, Alen Nsambu, Katri Soini, Mirva Vogt, Jussi Väänänen and Tuomo Railo – were born in five different decades. Choreographer Railo did not make this choice consciously, but it shows the pluralism of his artistic goals as well as his interest in the dimensions of the expression through movement of dancers of different ages.
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”The perfect celebration of movement”
– Minna Tawast
”A polished performance, a delight to the eyes and ears”
– Raisa Rauhamaa
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creative team and performers
Music: J. S. Bach, Goldberg variations
Choreography and animations: Tuomo Railo
Costume Design: Karoliina Koiso-Kanttila
Lightning Design: Pasi Pehkonen
Dancers: Kasperi Kolehmainen, Taru Koski, Hanna Mönkäre, Alen Nsambu, Tuomo Railo, Katri Soini, Mirva Vogt, Jussi Väänänen
Pianist: Risto Lauriala
Seamstress: Nina Ukkonen
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